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Seeing the northern lights in Scotland is a magical experience! Find out where, when and how to see them for yourself.
Continue reading "The Northern Lights in Scotland. A Sight to Behold!"
Scotlands' Hogmanay customs and traditions are something special. No-one rings in the New Year the way Scots do!
Continue reading "Hogmanay Customs. Blending History, Tradition and Fun"
With Halloween approaching, it seems fitting to showcase some of Scotland's most haunted castles!
A fun and fascinating look at some truly spooky Scottish castles. Enjoy!
Scottish boy names are overflowing with strength, tradition, history and pride. If you want a bold name for your boy, try some on for size.
Popular and traditional Scottish girl names with origins and meaning. Give your little one a taste of that Scottish magic.
Continue reading "Scottish Girl Names - Popular & Traditional Choices"