About Us!

Hello and welcome to the 'Scottish At Heart' website. We're so glad you found us.

We're a mom-and-daughter team, Sue (mom) and Annie (daughter), and this website is a labor of love. We really hope you have as much fun reading it as we have creating it.

Our family at Glencoe, Scottish Highlands

The photo above shows our family stopping for a snack at a little tea-room near Glencoe in the Scottish Highlands.

We're definitely not expert photographers, but the mist and clouds on the mountainside give you a feel for the place!


I was born in Glasgow, Scotland and all my ancestors are Scottish as far back as you can go. 

Co-author scottish-at-heart website

That is, save for one lone Irishman, who adds a little extra 'flavor' to the family tree.

Although I've lived all over the place (including England, Canada and the USA), I'm very much Scottish at heart - as is every Scot I've ever met.

My mom, who has spent the last 60 years  living outside of Scotland, only has to hear one note of 'Scotland The Brave' on the bagpipes and she's whirling and 'whee-ing' with the best of them!


Although I was born 'south of the border' (aka in England!), my heart most definitely belongs to Scotland.

Co-author scottish-at-heart website

Our family moved to the United States when I was around nine years old, and I'm currently at university studying art.

Even with the distance I think that my longing for my familys' homeland has grown stronger and made me even more proud of where the roots of our family tree are firmly established.

The sound of the bagpipes still sends chills down my spine and a photo of that beautiful Scottish scenery is paint to my canvas

I love the country I live in, but there is no place like home!

I hope that we're able to do Scotland justice through our website and help you to experience this amazing country for yourself!

This poem expresses how it feels to be a Scot, and it's written by Sue's sister....

The Scot Within Me

Why is it that my heart stirs
When I hear the bagpipes play?
Why do I feel Scotland is my home
When I live so far away?

Why do I feel a sense of pride
When I see the Saltire fly?
Although it may seem strange to you
Perhaps I can tell you why.

When you are born of Scottish blood
Something strange seems to take place
As if a seed is planted within you
Which makes you fiercely proud of your race.

This Scottish patriotism never dies
And in your soul it always remains
Because Scotland is as much a part of you
As the blood flowing through your veins.

Copyright 2010 S Mortazavi

This website is for YOU!

We're having a lot of fun building this website and sharing our 'insider' information, tips and experiences - and we really want you to get a 'feel' for Scotland through our pages.

Whether you're looking for Scottish recipes; want to learn more about Scotlands' history, traditions or culture; find out what Scottish weather is like; pick out a Scottish name for your baby; or just about anything else - we hope you'll find what you need right here!

If you have a story, tip or experience to share, or have ideas, comments or suggestions for us, please visit our Contact Us page to let us know.

Thanks for visiting 'Scottish At Heart'.

Enjoy browsing through our site, and please come back to see us often.... we'll be adding new 'stuff' on a regular basis and you don't want to miss out!

How We Built This Website

This site was created by both of us but it is just one of three websites that I (Sue) own and enjoy working on every day.

Back in 2006 I built my very first website using Sitesell's Solo Build It! (aka SBI) program. 

I've loved 'going to work' every day since then and my/our sites are all labors of love, and I can tell you that it sure doesn't feel like work :)

I had zero technical/web skills at that point and was just a recently divorced, stay-at-home mom who needed a way to make some money while continuing to be home for my kids.

You can read all about my website and e-biz building journey on that first website here.... My SBI! Review

If you have passion/skills/talent/experience that you would love to turn into a profitable online business, Solo Build It! may be just what you need to make a dream become reality.

** I don't make any money from sending you to this review, or from any links you will find on the review page. This is NOT an affiliate promo, simply one entrepreneur sharing her experience and recommendations :)